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Where could Inlet be?

Welcome to Montana, no wait, one of the Dakotas, or possibly somewhere in Colorado, maybe even northern California. No matter where this image takes you, may you feel the light breeze and smell the aroma of wet grass. Can you hear the birds? Do you feel like if you wait long enough the birds will take wing. That’s what I felt while I was creating Inlet. I wanted the river to have the smallest of movements and everything else to be totally still. Most importantly, this piece is meant to take you to that time and place you remember that held the same elements.

Process of creating

I wanted to really exercise the new techniques I acquired while creating Waterway, another painting I worked on, when I decided to create Inlet. Seeing my skills growing, it made me think that I could be an expert landscape artist. Firstly, I knew the distance needed that hazy blueish color, you know, the one you see when something is really far away. Secondly, I needed to really increase the details as your eye comes closer to the foreground. This piece helped me to perfect the cloud and mountain painting skills that Bob Ross helped me to develop. This piece was created using images and the skills I’ve been taught combined with my own experiences and mental imagery to imagine this landscape art piece.

My hope for this piece

Once you get a look at this, I hope to inspire you to either paint something like it or to purchase this one. This piece is at a lower rate to encourage a person to buy an original piece of my artwork at a very low and affordable rate. I know not everyone can purchase an original, but I believe that my art should be available for everyone. I wanted anyone to be able to have their own little inlet, with this painting. Everyone should be able to own art and with the Inlet you can.