Cold outside, warm cabin
You have a warm window cabin, waiting for you to come in and sit by the fire. If I could transport into my own paintings, this is where I would want to go. Knowing the sounds would be virtually silent and the air as clean as it could get. I can picture the scene inside of that cabin way off in the distance. Has it been a destination for the viewer? Maybe this was a welcomed sight for a lost wanderer. There is so much that can be thought of.
Short of disappearing
Even if I could disappear into one of my own paintings, I must start by making a believable image. Thanks to my school of Ross, I am learning to handle lighting and color together. The blues under the white influence the image and make the white colder. It affects the way you view the snow. I am in love with the fundamentals I am relearning in the school of Ross.
You can too
What I hope to inspire in you is the idea that you too can feel this feeling of wonder at the sight of a Warm window cabin and think of all that this implies. I love that you have taken time to find out what I think behind the image. I hope this becomes a painting you will want to have.
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